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Code of Conduct

At our conference, we are applying rules that are taken from common sense. Nevertheless, we are writing them down to prevent misunderstandings.

Everybody is welcome, also those who represent a different point of view.

We want to form MatomoCamp such that it is entertaining, interesting and fun for everybody, but to do so, we expect all the participants to follow the guidelines below. We want that MatomoCamp is a free, open-minded and cooperative event, which means that all the attendees should be cooperating with each other and treat everybody respectfully, even those who are different or who have a different opinion. Technical skills or a position in the community do not have any impact on the right to be respected nor the duty to respect others.

We are respectful to each other and consider the needs of others; in online communities as well as in social networks

Please be helpful, considerate, friendly and respectful to all the other participants and respect your environment. We do not tolerate harassment or offensive behaviour at our event. We expect all the participants to adhere to this Code of Conduct while attending the conference or any related event. This also includes event-related social events at external locations as well as online communities and social media.

Harassment or bullying is non-desirable and we accept and appreciate hints in various ways

In case of an incident, we take notice via e-Mail (also anonymous, if preferred). In case of any concern, please inform the team of MatomoCamp as soon as possible, so we can respond quickly. We wish that MatomoCamp stays an inviting event for all the participants.

The organizer reserves the right to exclude persons temporarily or permanently, if they violate these guidelines and do not respond to the demand to change their behaviour to adhere this Code of Conduct

Participants who are asked to stop any unacceptable behavior are expected to comply with this request. Attendees who violate this Code of Conduct may be excluded from this conference, and/or from conferences in the future.

Don’t Spam or advertise aggressively

We know that you are potentially very proud of your service/product/company/etc., but this event is mainly intended to share with others what great things one can achieve using Matomo. So please keep marketing of your own commercial services in the background and focus on helping others.

Thanks for your help, making MatomoCamp a great experience for everybody

In order to promote an inviting and open community, we commit ourselves to exemplary behaviour of all the participants of MatomoCamp. Thank you for your help in advance, so that MatomoCamp will be a success. We strive for a beautiful, inviting experience for all the participants.