Welcome to MatomoCamp!
MatomoCamp is the online event that focuses on Matomo Analytics, the most used digital analytics Free software solution.
MatomoCamp 2024 World Tour edition will take place on November the 14th from 9 A.M. (CET) to 11:59 P.M. 2024.
About MatomoCamp
After the last 3 years success we are back! This year you can expect around 60 talks in 24 hours covering a wide variety of topics for Matomo experts and beginners, Digital Analysts and developers and in English, French, German and Italian and many other languages.
Even if you don’t use Matomo and just care about privacy-friendly and Open Source analytics in general, we have a few talks for you.
The whole event will be live-streamed on this website, you don’t need to get tickets, sign up or install software to attend.
Stay Updated on MatomoCamp
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Meet the team

Lukas Winkler

Thomas Zeithaml

Ronan Chardonneau

Frédéric Forster

Peter Boehlke

Silva Arapi

Stefan Koning

Joachim Nickel
Join the team
The event takes place online by using only Free software and Open Source technologies.
Get in Touch
If you have anything to tell the MatomoCamp organizers, please help yourself by filling the following form. Your email will be used only to answer you.
Historical sponsors
Thanks to our sponsors the organizers didn’t have to pay to set this online event up and made this event FREE to attend.