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In order to test our IT infrastructure for MatomoCamp (November the 4th 2021/ November the 5th 2021), we thought that it would be a good idea to launch a pre-event… as we are creative we named it originally a pre-MatomoCamp.

What is this pre-MatomoCamp about?

A 45-minute talk conference about Matomo Tag Manager in order to see if the server and partner we chose to support MatomoCamp can scale it for the D-Day.

Why should you attend this pre-event?

Based on the MatomoCamp survey we launched over the summer, one topic was highly demanded, which is Matomo Tag Manager. As a result, this talk will be 100% dedicated to it.

How to attend the Pre-MatomoCamp?

Very simple, all you need to do is to access to (home page) on October the 5th from 01:00 P.M. to 02:00 P.M. CEST time, we will broadcast in live the conference. Yes, just as a SpaceX launch but with only Free software use during all the process. You don’t need to register to attend it, unless you would like to take part of a chat and discuss among all attendees. In order to do so we will add on the same page a button to access to Element.

What is the topic talk about?

The conference is named “Matomo Tag Manager from A to Z”. In this talk (Ronan Chardonneau, the guy within the videos there) will introduce the Matomo Tag Manager plugin. He will explain how useful it is for webmasters who would like to push their data collection to the next level so as how to define and implement a measurement plan thanks to it.