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About the team

An enthousiast group of people to spread knowledge about Matomo Analytics


Find below the profiles of each team member.

Lukas Winkler

Lukas is an astronomer and Open Source developer from Austria. He is working on Matomo as part of the Matomo team since 2017, mostly responding to questions and bug reports on the Matomo Forum and now also by making MatomoCamp the best event it can be.

Ronan Chardonneau

Ronan is on its own, working on Matomo Analytics since 2010, mainly doing training, he worked for the Innocraft team from 2017 to 2019. He is physically located in France.

Silva Arapi

Silva has been active in the Free Software movement since 2015. She is one of the co-founders of, working to build a sustainable company which makes the use of open source digital infrastructure easy and convenient.

Peter Boehlke

Peter is part of the Matomo community team since the early age of Matomo. Physically located in Germany, he is supporting companies dealing with IT Matomo issues, such as scalability.

Frédéric Forster

Frédéric is on its own. He is working as an analyst, helping companies/institutions to grow on Matomo Analytics. His expertise is KPI definition, measurement plan definition, implementation, Q&A, Conversion Rate Optimization.

Joachim Nickel

Joachim is on its own. He starts Webdevelopment in 1995 and his first contact with Piwik was in the late 2000. Joachim is a software and website developer mainly using the CMS Contao; he is also president of the Contao Association. He works as speaker and trainer for a lot of Matomo users in the last 10 years. His expertise is – except for standard matomo tracking – the usage of Matomo API for collecting data for iOS and Android Apps aswell as from website by using Background-Tracking. This will also be the name of his talk at the Matomo Camp.

Stefan Koning

Stefan is part of the official Matomo community team for more than five years now. He is a senior digital analytics & conversion rate optimization expert and works a lot with Matomo Analytics for multiple clients. Projects that Stefan does related to Matomo range from improving the scalability of Matomo, to measure the correct KPIs by setting up technical measurements, to analyze the data in order to optimize the customer experience.

Thomas Zeithaml

I have been working in search engine optimization since 2001. I advise clients from various industries and areas. I have also been a speaker at numerous conferences and have written articles for the trade press. Since 2009 I have been working intensively on web analysis with Matomo. I see this combination of data-driven decisions, technical and marketing aspects as my personal strength.