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Attending MatomoCamp

MatomoCamp is a free to attend and open online conference. This means all you need to attend is a modern web browser to browse

You are still having issues or questions after reading this document? Or want to talk to an organizer during the event? Join the Infodesk channel on If that’s not working for you, you can contact us at

Attending the conference

Attending the conference is free and without registration. You can go to any talk you like, click on a video link and watch the talk.

To browse around to see what is available, go to our schedule, where you can find all the talks and workshops. Simply click on any that interest you to watch them.

If you simply want to watch, you won’t need an account. If you want to ask questions or participate in the discussion, you’ll have to view the chatroom on the livestream page or join the room for the talk on To be able to participate in the chatroom you need to register an account (or use an existing account). Accounts created during MatomoCamp 2021 are still available (please contact us, if you lost access and want to continue using them).

During talks, you can discuss the talk and ask questions for the speakers to answer live at the end. The chatrooms will also stay open after an event has ended, so you can continue discussing the topic of a talk even when the next talk has already started. Please remember to keep the conversation civil and to the point. All chatrooms are moderated by MatomoCamp volunteers and we expect everyone to follow the code of conduct.

All talks are recorded (unless the speaker wishes them not to be recorded) and the recordings will be published in the weeks after MatomoCamp. So don’t worry if you can’t attend a talk, you can always watch them later.

Mobile users

All live streams should be available on mobile. They might not work properly on iOS, so please try a desktop browser if possible, if you are experiencing issues. For connecting to the chat, we recommend using the apps.

Existing matrix accounts

If you already have an account in the matrix network and are using a Client like e.g. you can join all MatomoCamp chatrooms at

Meeting other MatomoCamp attendees

If you want to attend MatomoCamp not just to hear the talks or join Workshops, but also to meet other Matomo users, we have a few general chat rooms at that you can join and use to talk about general MatomoCamp and Matomo related topics:

If you are interested in more interactivity at MatomoCamp, get in contact with us and we can plan something together.

Troubleshooting isn’t working in my browser!

Some privacy-oriented browser extensions (such as EFF Privacy Badger may block Element from contacting the MatomoCamp Matrix home servers. That’s because Element operates as a full autonomous Matrix protocol client (independent of the URL where its code is hosted).


  • Setting browser privacy extension exceptions for
  • Using a dedicated vanilla browser profile.
  • Using a different browser (e.g. Firefox, Chromium).
  • Use the desktop packaged version of Element (which uses Electron), but see below…

Things are mostly working, but the video stream isn’t quite right…

No audio? There’s an ‘unmute’ button to the right of the stream (when it’s not in full-screen mode). Still not working? See below.

Try using:

  • A recent Chromium.
  • The latest Firefox release
  • Chrome

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