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We’re excited to announce we are now Calling for Participation for the first edition of MatomoCamp, an event dedicated to Matomo Analytics – the most used digital analytics Free software.

We would like to invite Matomo users, digital marketing experts, and individuals/businesses to join the event and share their know-how to a wider audience.

You can use our Call for Participation platform to suggest your topic:

On the main page in our website you can get a rough idea of what we have in mind in terms of the schedule, but do not feel limited to that, you can propose any session that you think will bring value to the event. You can also take a look at this blog post, where we have shared the results of our survey to get an idea on the expectations of the participants and their preferred topic categories. Again, you do not have to feel limited to this, any new idea is welcomed.

This is the very first edition of MatomoCamp and we would appreciate to have your support to promote the event. Simply sharing this blog post, or letting someone know about the event, will be helpful!

The closing date of the CFP is yet to be announced.

To stay updated with the latest news, you can also follow us in the social media: Twitter or Mastodon, or by visiting this blog for new announcements.